The Arabic speaking community in St. Louis joined us in the 2019 Revival meetings on Friday September 13th & Saturday September 14th and on Sunday September 15th during the morning service along with Southwest Baptist churcht at10:45 am.. All the services were interpreted to English.

كما نحتفل معاً بعيد الشكر وبأعياد الميلاد المجيد والفصح (عيد القيامة المجيد)، ونهضة سنوية للسيدات وجميع المناسبات
We celebrate together Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Holidays, Ladies retreats, and Special occasions.
On Labor Day weekend (August 30th to September 2nd): The Heartland Conference in Wichita
مشاركتنا في المؤتمرالعربي السنوي لكنائس وسط أميركا في ويتشيتا، كانساس
We fellowship during : The Annual Heartland Conference for Arabic Speaking Churches for Central States.
We dig into Scripture, enjoy great Biblical sermons, youth worship, and pray with Arabic speaking believers
from the Midwest and the Central States. We fellowship in AGAPE dinners, barbecue picnics, and apple picking.
The Conference is held yearly during Labor Day weekend in Wichita, Kansas.
Later, we held a Revival meeting at our church with Pastor Dr. Richard Haggett " Rick" from Kentucky.